What Is Agency Confirmation? Ask a California Transaction Coordinator
If you are using the standard purchase and sale agreements from the California Association of Realtors®, then most have agency confirmation built into the purchase contract. For example, the Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA-CA) has the declaration of agency on page one of the contract—right smack dab in the middle of the page as plain as the eye can see!
Why is the Agency Confirmation Submitted? Is it because the agent thinks that he or she will not get paid if they do not put this form in the transaction? Remember that since the confirmation is already part of the purchase contract, this form is not necessary.
Changes in compensation can occur. Sometimes there is a change in compensation during the negotiation process or during the transaction. If a change in compensation is necessary, this change should be declared in the Cooperating Broker Compensation Agreement and submitted to escrow.
Compensation and Agency Confirmation are two different things. Don’t get them confused. And remember that you do not need to kill two trees to do a real estate transaction. Maybe just one tree (or none) if you use the transaction coordinating services provided by Transaction 911.