Transaction Coordinator a Waste? Think Again!
Just recently, the California transaction coordinators at Transaction 911 took their show on the road. We went out to a local real estate conference. It’s great fun meeting agents throughout California, and especially in Southern California where our office is...
What You Must Know About Buyer and Seller Costs
If you are a real estate agent in anywhere in the entire state of California, then you may definitely find this contract information very helpful. A few weeks ago, our transaction coordinator had a conversation with a local listing agent who said that her seller was...
4 Best Ways to Protect Your Real Estate License
If you are a real estate agent, then you always need to be aware of the latest policies, procedures, and laws impacting the field of real estate. You always need to protect yourself, protect your real estate license, and your clients. “All of that important...
Why Every California Agent Should Use the AVID Form
The Agent’s Visual Inspection Disclosure (AVID) is an often misunderstood form, according to the transaction coordinators at Transaction 911. Because of this, we went out and conducted a little bit of research. Here’s some advice from CRES Insurance Services with...