In order to be able to let go of transactions or clients that are teetering on the brink, it’s a good idea to spend a little bit of time each and every day on lead generation.
10 Tips for Successful Real Estate Lead Generation
- Network, Make New Friends, and Keep the Old. Attend local and regional networking events. Socialize with friends. Make a concerted effort to get face-to-face with as many new and old friends as you possibly can. While it’s generally not a good idea to over-promote, when you are interacting with others, you create top-of-mind awareness—even if you are only at a block party or little league game.
- Stay Disciplined and Work Your Plan. Develop a daily, weekly, and monthly plan and stick to it. Don’t just try an activity once and then complain that it isn’t generating leads. Consistently work the same plan for days, weeks, and months. It’s the follow up, the consistency that will command attention.
- Develop a Brand. Make sure that your online persona, your website, and your print material all create a cohesive message about what you have to offer. First impressions matter. Whether you meet someone on the street or they find you online, you want them to get a favorable impression of you and your real estate services.
- Provide Items of Value. One of the most effective ways to generate a lead is by offering an item of value. Whether it’s an e-book outlining the first time home buyer’s experience or a free comparative market analysis, when you offer a free item of value, it’s easy to capture a lead and follow up.
- Follow Up. Developing a consistent follow-up plan is the key to generating a lead. Some leads will convert into buyers or sellers right away, and others may convert in six months or a year. The only way to maintain top-of-mind awareness is to follow up. Not to mention that if you have spent so much time and effort on generating leads, it would be foolish to let them slip through your fingers.
- Create a Strong Online Presence. Over 90% of home buyers and home sellers begin their search on the Internet. So, that’s where you want to be. It’s not enough just to have a website. You need to create a strong online presence through social media, video, and blogs.
- Use Video. Visitors who view videos stay on a site an average of two minutes longer than visitors that don’t. That’s probably why they say, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” When you employ video in your online marketing strategies, you create traction.
- Be a Supreme Multi-tasker. It’s not enough just to send out a direct mail newsletter monthly. You’ve got to do more. Develop a marketing calendar that includes both online and offline activities. Reach out to your social network and stay top of mind. Don’t wallow in a messy deal. Do multiple activities each and every day in order to get the word out that you are the real estate professional of choice.
- Ask for reviews, testimonials, and referrals. Online review sites are all the rage. That’s how people decide which shoes to buy or what plumber to hire. Don’t be afraid to ask current and past clients to review your services online. You’d be surprised at the number of leads you can get from individuals that saw positive feedback about you online.
- Be a Local Expert. You can’t be all things to all people. It’s nearly impossible to be at the top of the search engines for the search terms ‘Los Angeles Homes for Sale’ or ‘New York Real Estate Agent.’ Statistics show that it is far easier to get on page one of the search engines when you focus on the smaller communities or neighborhoods within the city. Also, individuals searching for a local specialist are generally further along in their search and an easier lead to convert to a closing. So, why not start there?
The key to success in real estate is to always work your plan. You’ve got to be continuously generating leads each and every day—no matter the market, no matter your niche. It’s the agent’s responsibility to change and adapt as the market changes. If you continuously work your plan you will generate leads no matter the market, no matter your area of expertise.
Best Wishes for a Happy New Year and an Excellent 2015!