Effective Real Estate Goal Setting
Every day in this industry, you get calls and come across companies that promise that by using their latest gizmo, gadget, or website you are going to instantly and dramatically increase your production. The reality is, every one of these claims should come with the caveat, “If you are willing to work your butt off”.
But let’s say you are willing to work your butt off to be a more successful real estate professional, but you’re not exactly sure where you should focus that hard work and determination. Let’s say you get up each day and you’re rearing to attack the day, but you’re just not sure what should be your focus. That’s why you’ve got to have a good business plan!
Good business planning is actually the blueprint for a successful life, not just a successful business! Join real estate Broker, writer, and motivational coach Melissa Zavala for this hour-long, power-packed session. Through this proven and easy-to-follow process, you’ll discover how to clearly define your vision and develop the success strategies necessary to create the life you want. In this content-rich program you’ll learn:
- How to set personal and professional goals that you can actually achieve
- Potential obstacles and how to easily overcome them
- How to adjust your attitude to stay on track
- Three time management tips to help you stay focused on the right things
- Five hot prospecting and marketing ideas that you can implement today
- How to measure your success
All registrants will also receive a copy of a 2014 Goal Setting Worksheet for use during the webinar.
Here’s the 4-1-1…
When: Thursday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m. PST
Where: Your computer
Why: To Create or Revise Goals and See Increased Success in 2014
How: Click Here to Register