Your Transaction Coordinator

California transaction coordinatorHave you ever seen a one-man band? I’ve seen this guy before—fairly recently actually when I walked through Chinatown in Los Angeles, after a trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art. He’s actually pretty good. According to the signs, he has been on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and also on America’s Got Talent.

But, while being a one-man band may work for him, it doesn’t work for most folks—particularly in the field of real estate when trying to be a transaction coordinator, a marketing expert, a short sale negotiator, a lead generator, a prospector, and a salesperson all at once.

Nowadays it is so hard for real estate agents to manage all of the different things that are expected of them each and every day. Who is working on the prospecting campaign? Who is preparing the listing agreement? Who is taking the photos of your new listing, uploading them onto the MLS, and ordering your flyers? Who is the transaction coordinator?

There are so many things to be done in order to create a successful real estate business, and it’s hard to manage them all on your own. That’s where we can help. At Transaction 911, we have a dedicated technology-savvy support staff that can provide you will all sorts of services—from transaction coordinating to managing your short sale negotiations. At Transaction 911, we handle the paperwork so that you can put more deals in the pipeline.

At Transaction 911, we are committed to creating an atmosphere and support system with transaction coordinators that encourage you to achieve your potential, and we offer you the flexibility to do it. Please do not hesitate to contact our office if you are interesting in trying our service.

Photo: flickr creative commons by digitized chaos


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