Some agents like to prepare their own real estate transaction files, and others dread paperwork. That second group loves it when a California transaction coordinator can prepare the Bureau of Real Estate and Brokerage compliant file.
Here are the top three reasons that agents like to use a Transaction Coordinator:
- Using a transaction coordinator saves time. Transaction coordinators close deals every single day of the week. They know the ins and outs of the California Association of Realtor® forms, and can save you lots and lots of time by taking care of the paperwork for you.
- Using a transaction coordinator frees you up to do other things. If the average real estate transaction file takes 10-20 hours to prepare, then this is 10-20 hours that an agent can spend on other activities. If I gave you 10-20 hours, how many listings could you obtain? How many offers could you write? How much more money could you earn? Using a transaction coordinator allows you to be in the field doing what you do best—listing and selling real estate.
- Using a transaction coordinator relieves stress. For those agents that are always concerned about the status or quality of the real estate file, then need not worry any longer. When you use a transaction coordinator, this individual assures that the 50+ required disclosures and contractual items are added to the file, signed, initialed, and dated. Getting that accomplished relieves stress and allows you to focus on money-making activities.
There are many reasons to consider using a transaction coordinator for your next real estate transaction. If you are interested in discussing your next transaction with us, just send us an email or give us a call. You’ll be glad you did!