In order to take control of your daily activities and the destiny of your real estate career, agent time management should always be your top priority. To make money in the real estate, you must make efficient use of your time. You cannot be lazy or procrastinate, and sometimes you won’t even get a day off when you want it. Unfortunately, if you cannot stay organized and follow a strict daily schedule, your success in meeting your goals may be hampered significantly.
Successful agents design plans for achieving their goals. They set short-term and long-term goals, both of which can be achieved with the completion of daily activities. Since completing daily activities is so important, procrastination is a real estate professional’s archenemy. So, you must always focus on staying motivated and organized. Remember that your income is a direct result of your efforts and achievements.
Create a Schedule and Stick to It
Organize your daily tasks and resign yourself to complete all of them each and every day. Remember that it is important to be realistic and not put too many items on your daily schedule because pushing too hard can be counterproductive. However, no matter what happens, you must commit to completing all of the items on your to do list before you rest your head at night.
Schedule the tasks that you hate to do first thing in the morning, so that you can get them out of the way. If you despise returning phone calls, get them out of the way as early as possible. When you complete activities that you don’t like first thing in the morning, you feel a great sense of accomplishment and it is easier to move on to other items on the list.
Invest Extra Time When Necessary
Whenever you complete all of your work early, take advantage of the extra time to take your business up a notch. Spend an extra ten minutes doing a bit of what your schoolteachers may have called extra credit. You can:
- Call a past client
- Post to social media sites
- Organize your desk or your email inbox
- Clean your work space
- Read articles of professional development or watch online webinars
- Check out the latest real estate news
- Download new apps and tools that increase productivity
Believe it or not, doing just one small extra task will have benefits. Even cleaning your desk or sorting through piles of paperwork can be very productive. Your cleaner environment will declutter your mind so you can better focus on money-making activities.
Don’t Waste Time
Sometimes real estate agents get behind on work because they let themselves become discouraged or disappointed. They lament things that don’t work out. When you are constantly cycling back to yesterday’s activity or problem, you are not moving forward but instead taking a step back.
If a buyer or seller changes his or her mind, remember that it’s not the end of the world. If you let yourself become discouraged and you wallow in what could’ve or should’ve been, you will only fall behind even more.
Use Technology Effectively
Top agents are successful because they do an excellent job managing their time. Time management can be achieved by taking advantage of available tools and resources. You need to stay organized and work towards achieving both short-term and long-term goals.
Top real estate professionals meet their goals through good agent time management, a lack of procrastination, a positive attitude and the ability to embrace new technologies and tools that may come our way.
If you are looking to free up time to focus on more money-making activities, that’s where we can help. The team of transaction coordinators at Transaction 911 can assist you with paperwork, while you focus on what you do best—listing and selling property. For more information on how we can help, contact our office today.