How to Find Real Estate Leads
Real Estate Leads a la Field of Dreams There was an interesting article on Copyblogger about the Kevin Costner style of marketing (KCS). Generally (while not addressing the real estate market and real estate agents), the article discusses the ‘Field of Dreams’ theory....
San Diego Transaction Coordinator Keeps Paper Trail
San Diego Transaction Coordinator Keeps Paper Trail When it comes to real estate, it is very important to keep a paper trail. This paper trail must include letters or emails of confirmation. What is an email of confirmation? An email of confirmation is an email that...
What California Transaction Coordinators and Ikea Have in Common
California Transaction Coordinators Can Help Thanks to Darin Persinger of Productivity Junkies, I was recently turned on to Dan Ariely’s principle, which he calls The Ikea Effect. If you have ever been to Ikea, then you know that Ikea is a successful Swedish...
San Diego Transaction Coordinator Knows the RPA-CA
San Diego Transaction Coordinator Knows the RPA-CA When you are working with a San Diego Transaction Coordinator or a California Transaction Coordinator, you need to be certain that this individual knows the California Residential Purchase Agreement (RPA-CA) like the...
It Pays to Outsource
Will you manage your next real estate transaction file? Did you know that the average real estate transaction file can require up to twenty hours to prepare? With so many details involved in assuring that everyone signs, dates, and discloses all of the required items,...