Here’s how you find listings…
I had a blast last week at the California Association of Realtors® Expo and annual conference. By the way, if you are a California Realtor® and you are not taking advantage of the opportunity to attend this free conference, then you are really missing out. I was...
Smart Jewelry Helps Agents Stay Safe
In light of the tragic news regarding Realtor® Beverly Carter, I’ve decided to dedicate this week’s post to the safety of real estate professionals. It’s ironic, really. As children, we are told to never talk to strangers, yet our job as real estate professionals...
Subtle Nuances of Closing Cost Credits
Closing cost credits are not uncommon in certain parts of California. In fact, when an offer is written with closing cost credits, it is a great solution for a buyer that doesn’t have tons and tons of available cash but qualifies to purchase the property. For those of...
How to Deal With Trouble – San Marcos Transaction Coordinator
If you’ve been in real estate for any length of time, then you probably know that some deals can get pretty tricky. Some go smoothly, and everyone prefers the smooth sales to the tricky ones. Most recently, the San Marcos transaction coordinators at Transaction 911...
How to Generate Tons of Buyer Leads
In real estate, you’ve got to admit that it’s all about the leads and lead generation if you want to make big bucks. If you are like most agents, you are facing challenges getting buyers qualified and offers accepted. But, those are problems that can be overcome… IF...
Sure-Fire Lead Conversion for Real Estate Agents
If you are like most real estate professionals, you are facing challenges getting buyers qualified and offers accepted. But, those are problems that can be overcome—if you only had more leads. You and your colleagues are invited to watch this free training where you...