Want more closings? Check these tips!
If you are a San Diego Realtor® or real estate agent or if you are a Realtor® anywhere in the state of California, you know very wells that closings can be tricky. Preparing the paperwork can be time consuming, and that’s where a San Diego Transaction Coordinator can...
Get Agency Confirmation. Get Paid.
What Is Agency Confirmation? Often times, when we, California transaction coordinators, are working on a real estate transaction for an agent and a seller or buyer, we receive an Agency Confirmation (AC) from the transaction coordinator or agent on the other side of...
4 Items to Include in Your Listing Presentation
I’m beginning to sound like an old timer when I say that I firmly believe that “if you do not list, you will not last.” It’s as if I am saying, “In my day, we walked five miles to school every day in the snow….” Nevertheless, you can handle so many more sellers at one...
Are you a one-man band? If so, read this…
Have you ever seen a one-man band? I’ve seen this guy before—fairly recently actually when I walked through Chinatown in Los Angeles, after a trip to “Art in the Streets” at the Museum of Contemporary Art. He’s actually pretty good. According to the signs, he has been...
10 Power Tips to Get More Real Estate Leads
A real estate professional needs to recognize that in addition to selling homes and closing deals, the chief role is that of lead generator. A significant period of time each and every day needs to be devoted to lead generation if you are to continue to be successful...
Read the #1 Tip for Real Estate Agents
If you are a California real estate agent or Realtor®, then you will want to pay attention to the agent tip in this article. Our California Transaction Coordinators have noticed a trend when processing paperwork and preparing fully compliant real estate files for our...