Agents, Get Your Lead Qualification Master Plan
If you are like most real estate professionals, you are facing challenges getting buyers qualified and offers accepted. But, those are problems that can be overcome—if you only had more qualified leads. You and your colleagues are invited to watch this free training...
How’s your transaction coordinator?
Your Transaction Coordinator Have you ever seen a one-man band? I’ve seen this guy before—fairly recently actually when I walked through Chinatown in Los Angeles, after a trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art. He’s actually pretty good. According to the signs, he has...
Big News on Mortgage Debt Forgiveness
Did you hear the news? Probably by now, you have. Any owners of homes that participated in short sales during 2014 will now be pleased to know that President Obama signed the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act into law (or rather, he signed the extension of the Act that...
Best Real Estate Lead Generation for 2015
A real estate professional needs to recognize that in addition to selling homes and closing deals, the chief role is that of lead generator. A significant period of time each and every day needs to be devoted to lead generation if you are to continue to be successful...
Do You Violate Fair Housing?
Fair Housing Violations You may wonder, what is the world coming to? Before the days of sending offers to listing agents via computer, there was actually a time when a buyer’s agent would actually formally present the offer to the sellers and the listing agent. Were...
Want more homebuyer leads?
I’ve been checking out Craigslist and getting a lot of sales-type emails lately. The common theme in both is “leads.” Everyone seems to be hot for leads—as if leads will solve the world’s problems. More leads = more closings, right? Maybe yes, but possibly not. You...