California Real Estate Agents – Here Are 5 Tools that Will Make Your Life a Little Easier
If you are a new agent or even if you have been a California real estate agent for a long time, you’ve probably experienced it: the homebuyer or home seller who believes that the life of a real estate agent is easy, and that we all drive fancy cars and barely do any...
Survive the Pandemic – 3 Changes You Need to Make to Your Business Right Now
While it’s true that depending upon where you are in the United States (or beyond), the impact of CoVID-19 on your work may be quite different. Here in California (as in much of the United States), most people are working from home as much as possible. Real estate...
Your California Real Estate Transaction and COVID-19
It’s no surprise that we are in the midst of a global economic crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. We certainly hope that all of our readers are well and healthy and that they are not personally hacking health challenges as a result of the virus; we pray that...