Here’s How to Get Some New Q4 Sales Prospects
With the beginning of Q4 about here, lots of agents are ready to amp it up. How many transactions have you closed this year? How much money have you earned? How much would you like to earn? How many prospects do you need to call or speak with in order to meet your...
Shocking Violations of Fair Housing by Local Agents
Fair Housing Violations You may wonder, what is the world coming to? Before the days of sending offers to listing agents via computer, there was actually a time when a buyer’s agent would actually formally present the offer to the sellers and the listing agent. Were...
4 Ways to Store Your Closed Transaction File
On your latest closed transaction, what did you do with the closed transaction file? Where do you save your closed files? Do you have a fireproof plan? That is, if your house or office burned to the ground, would you still have your transaction file? Each state has...
What You Need to Know About CFPB Disclosures
You’ve probably gotten a slew of emails in your inbox talking about the new CFPB disclosures. Maybe you’ve even attended meetings at your office or elsewhere to learn how these new loan disclosures will impact your real estate transaction. It’s possible that some of...
6 Books Real Estate Agents Must Read
Books Real Estate Agents Should Read Back when I was in junior high and high school, we used to receive a summer reading list. Everyone grunted and groaned when the teacher passed out the summer reading list. Usually it consisted of a minimum of three books (two of...
So Many CAR Forms, So Little Time
Do you need a San Diego County Transaction Coordinator? Do you need a Transaction Coordinator anywhere in California? When you are a transaction coordinator, you suddenly become extremely knowledgeable about the California Association of Realtors® CAR forms and which...